Knight Rider

Team Knight Rider (TKR) is a syndicated television spin-off series of Knight Rider that aired from 1997 to 1998. TKR was created by writer/producers Rick Copp and David A. Goodman, based on the original series created by Glen A. Larson, who was an executive producer. It was produced by Gil Wadsworth and Scott McAboy and was distributed by Universal Domestic Television. It ran only a single season of 22 one-hour episodes before it was canceled due to poor ratings.

The story centers around a new team of high-tech crime fighters assembled by the Foundation for Law and Government (FLAG) who follow in the tracks of the legendary Michael Knight and his supercar K.I.T.T.. Instead of "one man making a difference", there are now five team members and each has their own computerized talking vehicle counterpart. Like the original duo, TKR goes after notorious criminals who operate "above the law" — from spies and assassins to terrorists and drug dealers.

Cast list[]



Team Knight Rider Episode List



Team Knight Rider is currently available on VOD (Video On Demand) for $14.99 on Prime Video, Vudu, Google Play and probably other VOD platforms.
