Knight Rider

Knight Rider is a sequel to the 1982 TV series of the same title. This story centers on Mike Traceur, the estranged son of Michael Knight. With a new K.I.T.T. and Knight Industries to help him, he takes up his father's fight against crime.

The series was introduced with a television movie on February 17, 2008.

The first episode was released online on September 17, 2008 (on, and it premiered on NBC on September 24, 2008 at 8:00pm. The show led the network's Wednesday evening lineup[1]. with encore showings on Saturday evenings.

The series was in production for only one season.

Cast list[]


  • Dave Andron (Developer)
  • David Bartis (Executive producer)
  • Doug Liman (Executive producer)
  • Gary Scott Thompson (Executive producer)

