Knight Rider

The Comlink is a device in a form of a wrist watch, that Michael communicates with KITT at long distances. It is created after the 1980's Radio Watch. It was first shown in Knight of the Phoenix, part 2. It was later used in Just My Bill. Other similarities in the Knight Rider franchise was the Earwig (the 2008 series). It doubles with a miniature scanner and camera to KITT to look through to help Michael.


It was damaged in other episodes, like Episode 210: Knightmares and Episode 421: Voo Doo Knight.


It was repaired in Knightmares, part 2, but added with communicating under the influence.

Knight Rider 2000

In Knight Rider 2000, the police had similar comlinks. Later Michael had one, too.

Team Knight Rider

The comlinks had a different look.

Other Similarities[]

  • The Apple watch.
  • Other films use the word, comlink in a way of communicate with other people or robots. They don't have to be a wrist watch. It could be a clip, a similar looking phone, a shoe, anything.